Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Road trip to Cacabelos

On Tuesday, taking advantage of holiday and Vic was not working, we took the car and we travelled by road nearly two hours to Cacabelos. We went to visit his grandparents and his brother, Fabian, who was there on vacation with his beautiful girlfriend Gabriela. We enjoyed his company, and although it was a short visit worthwhile. We promised that we will meet again before April, I do not know if in A Coruña or San Sebastian, but we will, I'm sure.


  1. Puedo "robarte" las fotos que habéis sacado del martes? :))) Gracias por las palabras, y sí, hasta Abril, me dan pena las despedidas... hay que confiar más en los encuentros que en la misma.

  2. Claro!Si tienes algún problema avísame y te las paso por email. Un besiño!


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